For more information about The Lebanon Rescue Mission call us at: (717) 273.2301.

Men’s Shelter

Men's ShelterLebanon Rescue Mission offers a program that focuses on addressing the root cause of addictive behaviors, in order to destroy the fruit of the sin expressed by addiction.

Therefore, it is our understanding that recovery from addiction is learning to relate with God by contending with sin through Jesus Christ and then learning to relate with others.  Recovery is found by following and understanding a system of spiritual principles or steps that build one upon another and are found in the absolute Truth of God’s Word, the Bible.  Recovery is a Christ-Centered Spiritual process that consists of:

  1. Receiving and submitting to Jesus Christ.
  2. Receiving his forgiveness for our sin that separates us from God.
  3. Receiving his power to renew our mind and contend with the root causes of our sinful addictive behavior.

Our responsibility, then, is to obediently follow Christ as He empowers us to live abundantly and take this message to others. 

Our primary expectations are for to be honest, humble, and teachable.  Participants are to be willing to relate with God, then with the LRM Men’s Ministry Team and others in program.

The LRM Men’s Christian Life Change Recovery Program is goal oriented and based on a developmental progressive step system. The time it takes to complete the LRM Men’s Christian Life Change Recovery Program is dependent upon how long it takes each individual to complete each goal along the way.

Click Here for Program Details »


1223 Bittner Blvd., PO Box 5
Lebanon, PA  17042
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  • Susan A. Blouch
    Executive Director
  • Jenny Topping
    Food and Volunteer Services Director
  • Cari Daub
    Director of Development
  • Heather Thompson
    Director of Finance and Administration
  • Photo Coming Soon
    Director of Men's Ministry
  • Jim Weaver
    Pastor, Teaching & Technology
  • Aleta DiNunzio
    Accounts Receivable/Payable
  • Clay Rebert
    Short-Term Living Coordinator
  • Edwin Robles
    House Coordinator
  • Austin Clegg
    Guest Care & Case Management
  • Rosemary Boughter
    Part-time Food Services